Frequently Asked Questions

Is it grey and murky?
Sometimes the visibility is crystal clear and you can see over 15 metres easily underwater, other times visibility can be less than 1 metre. This is caused by plankton, sediment, number of divers and other factors.
Is it cold?
It can be, but modern dry suits keep us very warm. Some members choose to dive in wetsuits. During the off-season/winter very little diving is done in the UK mainly due to sea state and visibility (not temperature surprisingly). Members also tend to dive abroad as well. We have had members who were concerned about this, but it is no longer an issue for them.
Is there any marine life?
There is a significant amount of marine life in the North Sea. This can include anything from various types of star fish, crab, lobster, fish, eel to plants and coral. Seals are also in abundance in UK waters.
Where do you dive?
As a club we dive both inland and offshore. When training we typically have trips to inland dive sites which are former quarries which now have wildlife and underwater obstacles (such as aeroplanes, helicopters, tanks and tunnels), perfect for brushing up on navigation skills.
We have two club boats (a RIB and a hard boat) and access to other boats. This allows us to dive coastal wrecks when launching from Scarborough, Whitby and Bridlington. We also have club trips in the UK (Oban, Lochaline, Farnes, St. Abbs) as well as trips abroad which recently included Poland and France.
Once trained, club members also dive abroad (in groups, on holidays or alone). Locations that members have dived have included Mexico, Lanzarote, Tenerife, Hawaii, Malta, Thailand and the list goes on...

Do I need to know how to swim?
Yes, a 200m swim un-aided is required. Just let us know if you think this will be an issue.
Is diving expensive?
To dive you are required to pay a BSAC subscription (which includes insurance etc) and club fee which includes air fills, but you are able to borrow club equipment at either no charge or a small nominal fee during training. Once you buy your own dive equipment you can spend anything from £300 upwards depending on the age and type of equipment.
Club members often give away unwanted equipment or sell equipment (when upgrading) at a nominal fee or donation to the club. Diving equipment can be purchased on-line from various sources but we suggest you speak to club members first.
The BSAC rates can be found here (they cover third party insurance).
How do you breathe underwater?
We use compressed air from metal cylinders. The pressure is then reduced from the first stage regulator to the second stage regulator (the part you breathe through). Some members have re-breathers (closed circuit) instead of open circuit equipment which uses a clever method of filtering out carbon dioxode.
What is BSAC?
BSAC (British Sub-Aqua Club) is one of the most recognised organisations in the UK that supports and promotes diving and is a 'not for profit' organisation. They provide insurance cover, training standards, club support and training. For more information look at
What are the health restrictions?
There are some health complications which may prevent diving, but most people are able to dive. All divers must complete a medical form. Any "yes" answers on this form will require you to be checked out by a medical referee prior to diving.
What are the age restrictions?
You need to be at least 14 years old to begin training with the club, and divers under 18 will require parental supervision. Speak to our Diving Officer for further information. Snorkeling or Octopush are a great introduction to gain confidence in the water, and we welcome those over 12 years old to take part!